The project is inspired by the footprints and seaweeds on the beach. As our steps leave marks on the ground, we do the same with clothes, once they are old or we don't use them anymore we leave them behind us. 
i focused on the shadows that the footprints create on the sand. By analyzing the inspirations, I extracted shaped, pattern and texture. For the colours and the layout of the print I was inspired by the minimalistic work created by the illustrator Malika Favre (neat primary colours and organic shapes), while the choice of the fabrics I took inspiration from the works of Marine Serre: she uses fabric with an identity, fabrics with prints, patterns and texture on them, because not all of our old clothes are black and white. 
The prints samples have primary colours with organic chapes and the only texture are given by the other fabrics sewn on and embroidered with stitches. 
This project was a collaboration between the DJCAD and the V&A. For the final garment, by using two shirts I created a skirt with prints that reflect the prints of the samples. That skirt can also be transformed into a sort of vest/ dress to be worn with a pair of jeans and top. 
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